studio de novo


Incomprehensible user manuals?

A technical manual must be clear and understandable: only specialisation and experience can guarantee an effective translation.

Automatic translation, inexperienced translators or those with poor or no knowledge of the subject matter often lead to incomprehensible translations . A “DIY” translation, or one entrusted to a translator “provided he is cheap”, may sound like a pain-free money-saving solution. Unfortunately the result is often a poor document, potentially dangerous as it may even lead to financial or reputational damage to the client , jeopardising what are often quite substantial investments.

A staff of experienced translators and state-of–the-art translator’s tools enable us to offer quality services, because we are all well aware of the fact that striking a balance between cost and quality, with the right service provider, guarantees peace of mind to client companies striving for greater efficiency and increased productivity.

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